9:30 | Documentary | Cast: John Sampson, Peter Sampson, Blake Pearson, Andrew Wright, Jonathan Spittlehouse, Dallas Simpson.
This was one of those films that just 'happened' and became something quite special. Tagging along on a promise to document a recording, I had very little idea of what was going to happen until we arrived. In such conditions I wouldn't have dared shoot some of the footage on a camera of higher quality, and the lo-fi DV aesthetic complements the snowed-off-and-stripped-down nature of the band's performance nicely. We ran out of daylight and had to resort to a torch and then nightvision, but it adds to the scrappy charm.
Binaural artist Dallas Simpson wears tiny microphones in his ears to capture sound precisely as he hears it, in this case becoming a vessel for bringing live music to your ears. The recordings offer a one-off, unique experience when heard through headphones, enabling you to hear as Dallas hears, as if you were there in the environment. The instruments, voices and location ambience are all captured in 3D surround sound to sonically transport the listener to that time and place.